SkinPen and PRP Precare
We can't wait to welcome you to our clinic. As your appointment approaches, please follow the pre-care instructions below to ensure your skin is fully prepared for your SkinPen Microneedling/PRP.
1-2 months before your appointment
We have devised a skincare plan for you to help condition your skin to receive this treatment. Follow the plan to ensure you get the best results from microneedling.
Two weeks before your appointment
Avoid other beauty, aesthetic treatments (for example waxing, lasers, wrinkle relaxers, dermal filler etc..).
Avoid sun exposure or self tanners.
Let us know if you have been unwell to assess suitability
5 days before your appointment
Cease your active ingredients such as acids and retinoids unless advised otherwise.
Unless prescribed, avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen. Anti-histamines, fish oil, Ginko Biloba, St. John’s Wort and high doses of vitamin E should also be avoided.
24 hours before your appointment
Hydrate with water really well ahead of the appointment to improve comfort.
Avoid alcohol to reduce bruising risk and delayed recovery.
Avoid intense exercise to reduce bruising risk.
If you get coldsores please start taking the medication we prescribed to prevent them.
You should not have an active breakout, active cold sores, or open lesions. If this occurs, your microneedling treatment may need to be rescheduled.
Excess hair (beard) may need to be shaved.
SkinPen and PRP Aftercare
Thank you so much for trusting in us to look after your skin. To ensure the best results, please follow these aftercare steps:
Avoid wearing makeup for 12 hours minimum. Also avoid touching treated areas to minimise risk of infection.
Avoid extremes of temperature such as saunas or sea swimming for 2 weeks.
Avoid strenuous exercise for the following 24 hours.
Avoid sun exposure for at least 2 weeks to reduce complications.
What to do after treatment:
Drink plenty of fluids
If you had SkinPen treatment you can apply "Lift" cream as often as you like with clean hands for the first 24 hours.
You can shower/bath the day following your treatment
After 24 hours you can use recovery cream and ensure to wear SPF.
Avoid using your active ingredients for 5-7 days post procedure.
Monitor for potential signs if side effetcs as described here.
Contact us if you note:
Increasing redness, heat, swelling, pus or fever are all signs of evolving infection.
Signs of allergic reaction such as redness, swelling, itchiness, hives, difficulty breathing/swallowing.
Signs of a developing coldsore.
Persistent grid marking
Any unusual effect we did not discuss
Immediately post treatment your skin will be red. This is a great sign that the healing process has started. You may feel tight, itchy and hot the day following SkinPen/PRP. You may even experience mild swelling of the skin. If any of these symptoms seem to progress or get worse as described above please reach out to us. Redness may persist for a few days. There may be a period of skin peeling a few days following treatment. Rarely, a bruise may occur and this may take up to 2 weeks to resolve.
We advise these treatments usually require a course to provide the full benefit. We recommend you schedule your next appointment in 4-6 weeks.
If you are unsure about your treatment result or any potential side effect please contact the clinic so that we can support you.
If you are very unwell please do not hesitate to attend your local A&E.
How to contact us:
By email: hello@leformulaire.com
By phone: 01-5156187 (This phone/voicemail is not monitored after hours.)
Out of Hours*: Please email AND call 089 601 6001