Morpheus 8

Our Formula

Morpheus 8 is a revolutionary radiofrequency microneedling device that is based on bi-polar radiofrequency energy. It allows for both epidermal resurfacing and sub-dermal adipose remodelling during the same treatment. It is the very first full-body fractional technology that allows us to address signs of ageing on the face, neck, and body.

There are many benefits to the Morpheus8 InMode technology. The ability to customise the treatment based on your treatment goals, your specific skin type and your desired outcome mean that Morpheus8 is really a treatment for almost everyone. With this particular technology, we can choose the penetration depth, energy delivered and the target for treatment. 

With Morpheus8, you can achieve improvements in texture and tone by targeting the surface of the skin, the epidermis and the superior dermis. You can also achieve contraction of the connective tissue, improving sagging skin or elastosis. Finally, you can achieve bulk heating of the deeper layers of the face, including the fat layers, to enhance contouring. 

Dr Emma is a key opinion leader for InMode, and as such, attends regular master classes to maintain the latest innovations and optimal methods to enhance the incredible power of Morpheus 8.

Benefits of this treatment include that it is minimally invasive, suitable for almost all skin types, allows for a uniform treatment, and targets the specific layers desired.

What to expect at your appointment.

The treatment takes 1 hour 30 minutes.

We will fully cleanse your skin and apply topical anaesthetic.

We numb your skin for 45 minutes to ensure your utmost comfort. 

As the anaesthetic is taking effect, feel free to use this time to read, listen to music, or catch up on emails.

We will then begin our Morpheus 8 treatment, this lasts 20-30 minutes.

We will cleanse your skin once again, and go through your aftercare.

Preparation and maintenance

Schedule consultation before booking treatment.

Carefully read pre-care instructions.

No sun or fake tan on treatment area for 2 weeks before and after appointment.

Avoid active skincare for a week prior to treatment.

Arrive make-up free.

Bring a cap or wide-brimmed hat for post-treatment.

Downtime: No make-up for 24 hours.

Recommended 3 treatments, spaced 6-8 weeks apart.

What treatments can be carried out at the same appointment?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)


For all other treatments, we need to prepare your skin in advance.

What clients say about our skin health services.